Cecil Kim’s Guide on How to Get Hired to the “Sky” Game


In the episode 8 of “Get Hired,” hosted by Ninel Anderson, CEO of Devoted Studios, the guest was none other than Cecil Kim, the industry-renowned Concept Artist, Professor, Game Evangelist, and Art Director known for his work on big games like Final Fantasy, God of War, and Sky.
Cecil Kim has enjoyed a long and successful career in the game industry, contributing to some of the most popular and visually stunning games ever made. Currently, he works at thatgamecompany on Sky: Children of the Light, an award-winning MMO that was named the best iOS game of 2019 by Apple. Previously, Cecil co-founded his own studio, Section Studios, and made significant contributions to epic franchises like God of War and Final Fantasy. In addition to his industry work, Cecil is a mentor and professor at the Art Center College of Design.

With more than 20 years of experience in the game industry, Cecil shared on a Get Hired episode a straightforward, practical advice that’s a goldmine for anyone looking to break into game development.

Understand the Style of Sky

One of the key points Cecil emphasized is the importance of understanding the unique style of Sky. He explained that an artist’s style is deeply connected to their passion and heart, making it difficult—and often unnecessary—to try to change it. Instead, Cecil looks for artists whose portfolios naturally align with the core philosophy, look, and world setting of Sky.


“You can’t really tell someone to change their style. A style of art is something very connected to their passion and their heart. Just by looking at their portfolio, I can see the genre and subject matter they’re really excited about. If that aligns with the core philosophy, look, and world setting of Sky, then it’s very easy.”

Strong Portfolio Is Key


“If you are applying for a certain studio and you can just see the history of what they’re making, you first of all need to understand what type of style they’re looking for.”

Cecil Kim is pointing out that, before applying to a studio, you should do your homework and look at the kind of projects they have done in the past. This helps you understand their artistic style and what they value in their work. Once you know this, you can tailor your portfolio to match their style. Having a strong, relevant portfolio is key because it shows the studio that you not only have the skills but also understand and appreciate their creative direction. This makes you a better fit for their team and increases your chances of getting hired.

Talking about reviewing portfolios, Cecil prioritizes strong foundational skills. He believes that the ability to draw well and tell a story through images is important. He advises artists to avoid overly detailed or complex designs that might distract from the essence of the character or environment. Instead, focusing on clear, powerful visuals that communicate a narrative is key to catching his eye.

Be Familiar with the Game


“I definitely want to find someone who is actually familiar with Sky’s world and plays the game at least. It’s a lot easier for me to understand, like communicating the aesthetics and overall direction of the game.”

When you are a fan of the game and have spent time in its world, you naturally get a better feel for its unique artistic style and overall direction. This familiarity makes communication smoother and the creative process more enjoyable. It’s all about being on the same wavelength when it comes to the game’s look and feel. So, if you are a fan of Sky, you’re already one step ahead in understanding what they’re going for creatively.

On Top of All That, Creativity Can Get You Hired at Thatgamecompany

Thatgamecompany loves to see artists who are always creating, trying out new ideas, and showing a real passion for their art. It proves you are willing to learn new techniques, experiment with different styles, and come up with fresh concepts, even in your free time. This kind of excitement is exactly what thatgamecompany looks for in its team members. It shows that you love being creative.

In short, by constantly working and exploring your own creativity, you show that you have the passion, and dedication that fit perfectly with thatgamecompany’s values. This not only makes your portfolio stronger but also increases your chances of catching the attention of the hiring team and actually getting hired.

So If You Want to Get Hired to the “Sky” Game… Take This Advice!

If it’s your dream to get hired for the Sky game, Cecil Kim’s advice is your roadmap to success. Start by getting to know Sky’s unique style and make sure your portfolio reflects its calm, emotional, and artistic vibe. Focus on showing strong foundational skills, like good drawing and design, and highlight your ability to tell a story through your art. Let your passion shine by working on projects that you genuinely love and that match the themes of Sky.

Gaining experience is important, so take every opportunity to work with others, whether on big projects, small indie work, or even unpaid collaborations. This helps you learn, grow, and develop teamwork skills. Be open to taking art tests and accept feedback with a positive attitude—it’s all part of improving and showing your strengths.

Keep creating and sharing your work with the art community, as this will help you stay visible and connected to opportunities. Finally, don’t get discouraged by rejection. It’s a normal part of the artist’s journey. Use every experience to learn and get better. So remember this: stay true to yourself and keep on improving. Then, you’ll be on your way to joining the Sky team at thatgamecompany!
